Here's the scoop: We want to help a new company or non-profit successfully get their name and product out into the marketplace by giving away a full blown commercial photo shoot - for free! This will include everything from a preproduction phone call with the owners, directors or creative department to a full day of shooting with models and all the equipment necessary and lastly all post-production required to tie the shoot together. I'm extremely excited to help a deserving organization out!
Now, In addition to this grand prize, we are doing a daily give-away just for nominating a company you think deserves this opportunity. You can't nominate your own company (but a friend can). For the next three days (starting right NOW), we'll be giving away cOOl gear! You can enter to win every day by entering a new company name (no repeats please). The drawing will be at random at the end of each day (10:00pm MST, 12:00pm EST). Please think of an organization or individual that is really deserving and fits the criteria mentioned above. If they don't have a website or information, please tell us a little bit about them.
For anyone interested in getting involved either giving away something this week or participating in the shoot, please email me (info (at) with details. I would love to see a Creative & art directors, models, assistants donate their time for this project.

RunKeeper has an app that has gotten me to go running and enjoy it. I can see the paths I've taken, plan out a route in advance and know how long it's going to be. It's great!
The Analysis Exchange is a great project helping non-profits with their web analytics needs. A photo shoot with some of the volunteers making it go would be a great help in getting the word out.
-Rudi Shumpert
Hands Down... Carborocket. They are a local Utah endurance fuel company. They are THE BEST!!!
There is physical therapist in the office building I work at called Edgemont Physical Therapy & Fitness. I've seen people old and young visit there. Winzelerizing this company would be awesome!
Prophish ( and manufactures human powered pontoon boats. I have been out with these guys (my uncles) quite a few times and the boats are fantastic. They have taken them out to all kinds of places that a pontoon boat wouldn't normally be found, whitewater rafting in Moab, Northern Pacific, even a trip from New York to Panama.
Save Our Snow or Protect our Winters. I bet you could do something really cool with either of them.
Jason beat me to it. would be perfect.
My 2nd choice would be the Utah Avalanche Center. Non-profit org doing great things for all of us who enjoy the backcountry. They could benefit from some love.
Great idea Kevin!
A good friend is a board member at NorthStar Academy, throwing the Winzeler touch towards the school would really be awesome!
I'm a big fan of The Tipping Bucket and some of the work they are doing. :)
I'll donate time as an extra if it will be shooting in or near UT county and you don't need me for a TON of time (mommy to little ones).
adia79 at hotmail dot com
The Food & Care Coalition is a recognized leader and innovator in seeking and finding permanent solutions to poverty issues.
The rate of childhood obesity is through the roof, and it needs to be stemmed off somehow.
Capital Area Golf Tour ( - a fledgling developmental junior golf tour providing great opportunities for young players - check out the website - they need visual help -
I realize the additional names maybe won't increase my chances, but a few companies come to mind.
I worked with a company called RokitFuel. They make some great whole food type mix for endurance exercising.
Another company Premier Fitness Camp because they help people create healthy lifestyles by training eating habits, exercise and outdoor enjoyment.
Another: Sundance. They helped me lose my gut. I started using the tram to go mountain biking then I began biking uphill on my own. I'm looking forward to the upcoming ski season.
Another: Smith Optics
Another: Provo Rec Center just got a huge approval from the city for their big new building. They need your masterful touch to get the entire city of their duffs.
Big City Mountaineers! They're awesome, working with urban, at-risk youth throughout the country. We are always looking for photos of their trips.
* [off] their duffs is what I meant to write.
Please choose High Fives Non-Profit Foundation!
High Fives Non-Profit Foundation based in Truckee, CA became an official 501c.3 non-profit on January 19, 2010. Founded by Roy Tuscany, the Tahoe based organization is dedicated to raising money and awareness for athletes that have suffered a life altering injury while pursuing their dream in the winter action sports community.
Within the past year we have not only grown at rate that exceeded all expectations, but have also successfully raised funds, secured alternative treatments and aided in the recovery of over fifteen athletes. It is a dream come true to help these people and many more. With that in mind it is the mission of High Fives to continue to grow and become a nation-wide organization that effectively acts as an umbrella for those that participate (and get hurt) in the sports we love so dearly.
More info at
Here's some names that come to mind:
Women's ski jumping . . . help them get in the Olympics for 2014. Not a recognized sport yet.
Banana flour from Africa; helping the impoverished
Started by David Wintzer, the skier
Another Startup:
Jason Izatt
The National Ability Center.There was a time I thought my child was going to be disabled and knowing this organization existed to help people of all ages and abilities participate in and enjoy recreational activities was a huge comfort to me. I love seeing representatives from The National Ability Center at park City Mountain Resort teaching people who sometimes have a hard time moving easily,find freedom flying down the slopes! I love the work they do!
The company that I was going to put is Carborocket as well! That's my vote :)
Sc Bridal Designs in Idaho. It's basically a one woman show. She has not been outmatched in customer service and is usually working all night to make it that way. This little shop helped get their family through their daughters leukemia (which is now happily in remission) and they literally put all they have into it. They need to be put "on the map" so to speak so she can afford to hire some help.
She designs flower girl dresses under her own which she is trying to get picked up nationally.
Just a small family, with a small shop, trying to make something of what she loves to do.
There are some great projects going on out there but you MUST CHECK THIS ONE OUT!!! It's called the For My Mama Cancer Project. Utah photographer Kay Kanter created the program in honor of her mother who was diagnosed with breast cancer. She wanted to help other cancer patients and their families that had to endure, by allowing them to have a beautiful professional portrait taken to remember the face of their loved one...all for free! Kay is definitely giving back in a very big and loving way.
For the fitness category, I would recommend Vibe Fit Club in Tampa Fl. They had their grand opening last weekend and I was there to capture a few pictures for friends. It is operate by a couple of young ladies that are energetic, lively, and motivated. Some exposure would be a great boon to them.
Fir a major non-profit, id recommend 'Hands Across Tampa
Bay'. The heart warming stories are numerous and the organizers are very generous and warm.
Id give it to the osgathorpe touring company! They give horseback ridding tours in the summer and snowmobile rides in the winter. They offer an incredibely fun adventure and not many people know about them. They are my neighbors in PC. Their place is up white pine canyon road near the canyons.
That's a wrap for today. Winner to be selected shortly!
Okay, today's winner by random number generator is Rick Sunderlage! Congrats Rick.
Daily giveaway #2 starts tomorrow and it only gets better! Any Skiers/Snowboarders out there are going to be Stoked! So keep thinking of companies. Ask your FB and Twitter buddies for ideas and re-enter tomorrow starting at 10am MST.
Thanks for all of the entries today. I'm very excited by some of the possibilities already.
Ability Found is a locally based non-profit organization that provides medical and rehabilitation equipment free of charge to disabled children and adults who can not otherwise afford it. They are making an ENORMOUS difference in people's lives. They could really use the help to get the word out about their charity and how people can donate (money or equipment)
Please consider Wheelchair Lacrosse!
We have essentially invented a sport for athletic minded wheelchair users. Please see
There are no other existing organizations (anywhere in the world) and we are looking to build this up into a National sport, eventually presenting it to the Paralympic Committee, opening the doors for International play. In the 18 months of our existence we have received calls and emails from Australia, Ontario, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, the UK and Poland.
This would be a HUGE boost to our efforts and the growth of this new sport, Nationally and beyond.
Good luck to everyone, this is a great idea and a very generous gift.
I'd say Special Olympics Utah would be a fine choice. They have some exposure, but not enough.
YMCA is trying hard to get kids and adults alike off the couch.
This suggestion might be too late but the paper last night featured a non-profit called Circles Initiative. It is a national campaign to eliminate poverty by fostering educational, financial and emotional improvement among those of the lowest income levels. It sets up a mentoring program for individuals in poverty to work with those in a middle or upper class situations. Provo just received a grant from Circles to begin the program in Utah. It is being implemented through community Action Services. It is nationally based. I'm not sure where though.
This is a great idea, Kevin. I'm glad you are doing it.
Kids on the Move, a non-profit in Orem, helps handicapped children reach their potential.
Voile Equipment!! They make awesome gear. Check them out
Yahoo!! is a new non-profit that I've recently started working with. They are amazing and could really use help with photography for both website use and volunteer service projects.
The Mission of is to unite humanity by joining thousands of people in this state (Utah) and across this country, empowering us to Define Ourselves and not be defined by others.
Skate 4 Homies is a non-profit that is trying to help kids who can't afford it get skateboards.
The founders are nice and are just trying to get a productive hobby.
Just click the blog link at the top to refresh - or
THANKS! is the company!
Please let me win! my photography fb page -!/pages/Eddie-Derbyshire-Photography/162823290405071
The author is good! So good rasskryl topic
Kevin- My Fiance works for a Non-Profit called Sun Valley Adapative Sports (SVAS) and they take injured vets from the war in Irag and Afghanistan on Sports Therapy trips where they discover new activities they can engage in and get some time quality time with their partners who are also coping with their new situation. I'd like to nominate them for the photo shoot give away. They do Snow Sports, Fly Fishing, Paragliding, Rafting... all sorts of shoots that would be great portfolio builders for you and that you would obviously nail. These materials would be distributed in their materials for fundraising and as well they can serve as their pitches to media for program coverage. Could mean your images would be see on "The Today Show" if they are selected, another bonus for your portfolio. Giving should still have some return, I believe SVAS will provide that return.
Contact: Vanessa Thompson via email at
Beyond any doubt blog with beneficial informations.
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